best dpf cleaner

Best DPF Cleaners To Show Your Diesel Engine Some Love

Affiliate Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. Read more in our affiliate policy.

Perhaps you’ve heard the phrase diesel particulate filters (DPFs) mentioned in relation to diesel cars and wondered what that meant?

Essentially, DPF represents a system installed in all diesel cars that were manufactured from 2009 onwards.

Their role is to reduce the emission of toxic particulates from the vehicles’ exhausts. In the same way that these filters cleanse diesel, they also need to be cleaned to ensure they’re working at full capacity.

This is where the best DPF cleaners come in. By cleaning the diesel particulate filters, these products prevent extreme pressure from building up- an aspect that would affect the engine’s performance.

In the following post, we’ll review the best DPF cleaning additives and guide you what to pay attention when purchasing one.

Best DPF Cleaner – Our Top Pick

In you’re in a hurry and need an answer right away, our favorite DPF cleaner is Liqui Moly 5169. It’s made by a renowned company that has established a reputation for itself by making high-quality products.

This cleaning solution can be used in an array of diesel car models, and it helps restore complete engine performance.

Read on to learn why we think so, and what are the other recommended options you may consider.

DPF Filter Cleaning Additives – Comparison Table

Editor’s Pick
Liqui Moly 5169 Diesel Particulate Filter Cleaner...
Runner Up
AUTOPROFI DPF Cleaner (for Diesel Particulate...
Best Value
Wynn's Diesel Particulate Filter Regenerator for...
Liqui Moly Diesel Particulate Filter Protector |...
#1 DPF foam cleaner Diesel particulate filter...
  • Cleans your DPF efficiently
  • Leads to a lower fuel consumption rate
  • You have to purchase the tank and spray wand separately
  • User-friendly; does not require unique tools or skills
  • It’s TUV certified
  • Small capacity; available in a 250-ml bottle
  • Compatible with built-in regeneration systems
  • Decreases the build-up of soot particles in the filter
  • Promises super-fast results
  • Helps you avoid maintenance expenses
  • Pricey
  • Compatible with a variety of car models that have DPFs
  • It’s highly efficient at reducing accumulation of soot particles
  • Promises super-fast results
  • Helps to avoid pricey repair and servicing
  • Might have to purchase add-on accessories
  • It’s residue-free
  • Does not require any dismantling of the filter
  • It’s user-friendly
  • Expensive
Editor’s Pick
Liqui Moly 5169 Diesel Particulate Filter Cleaner...
  • Cleans your DPF efficiently
  • Leads to a lower fuel consumption rate
  • You have to purchase the tank and spray wand separately
Runner Up
AUTOPROFI DPF Cleaner (for Diesel Particulate...
  • User-friendly; does not require unique tools or skills
  • It’s TUV certified
  • Small capacity; available in a 250-ml bottle
Best Value
Wynn's Diesel Particulate Filter Regenerator for...
  • Compatible with built-in regeneration systems
  • Decreases the build-up of soot particles in the filter
  • Promises super-fast results
  • Helps you avoid maintenance expenses
  • Pricey
Liqui Moly Diesel Particulate Filter Protector |...
  • Compatible with a variety of car models that have DPFs
  • It’s highly efficient at reducing accumulation of soot particles
  • Promises super-fast results
  • Helps to avoid pricey repair and servicing
  • Might have to purchase add-on accessories
#1 DPF foam cleaner Diesel particulate filter...
  • It’s residue-free
  • Does not require any dismantling of the filter
  • It’s user-friendly
  • Expensive

DPF Cleaning Fluid Reviews

Liqui Moly 5169 Diesel Particulate Filter Cleaner...

Liqui Moly 5169 Diesel Particulate Filter Cleaner

Having manufactured more than 4000 items, Liqui Moly has an outstanding reputation for making premium-quality products. Thus, it comes as no surprise that their Diesel Particulate Filter Cleaner is a favorite of many car owners.

The 5169 Cleaner eliminates the need to replace your diesel particulate filter. Instead, all you need to do is clean it with this solution and it can resume its optimal working condition.

The dpf cleaning fluid can be used to cleanse filters in different car models from SUVs to light & medium-duty trucks. The cleaning solution works by dissolving any contaminants present in the diesel particulate filter.

By cleansing, Liqui Moly Cleaner guarantees top engine performance and a lower fuel consumption rate.


  • Cleans your DPF efficiently
  • Leads to a lower fuel consumption rate


  • You have to purchase the tank and spray wand separately

Buy it now at Amazon >>

AUTOPROFI DPF Cleaner (for Diesel Particulate...

AUTOPROFI DPF Clean – DPF Cleaning Fluid

If you’re looking for a DPF cleaner that is simple to use, you’ll be hard-pressed to find a better product than AUTOPROFI DPF Clean, available for purchase right here

This cleansing solution prides itself on being easy to use as it requires no extra hardware or skills to apply it. Better yet, it works exactly as advertised as it cleanses your diesel filter; hence enabling it to function efficiently.

Another thing we love about this product is that it’s backed by TUV certification. What this means is that it’s been tested for safety and found to comply with the minimum requirements stipulated in the German Equipment and Product Safety Act.

Important to note is that AUTOPROFI works in a slightly different way from Liqui Moly. In addition to dissolving the contaminants, this solution also prevents the formation of secondary emissions.


  • User-friendly; does not require unique tools or skills
  • It’s TUV certified


  • Small capacity; available in a 250-ml bottle

Get it at Amazon here >>

Wynn's Diesel Particulate Filter Regenerator for...

Wynn’s Diesel Particulate Filter Regenerator

Have you discovered a slight change in your engine’s performance? If you have, there’s a high likelihood that there are clogs in certain parts, which are hindering the free flow of fuel.

To solve this problem, consider using a quality dpf cleaner like Wynn’s Diesel Particulate Filter Regenerator.

This is a chemical solution designed specifically for diesel engines. It helps to clear out the blocked particulate filters while also minimizing soot emissions. What we love most about this product is that it accomplishes these tasks without necessitating a dismantling of any system.

Once you purchase Wynn’s product, all you need to do is add it to diesel fuel. Since the bottle has a capacity of 500 ml of the cleaning solution, it should be added to a minimum of 40 liters of diesel fuel. Afterward, you’ll need to boost its content every 3,000 km or with every 3rd tank refilling.


  • Compatible with built-in regeneration systems
  • Decreases the build-up of soot particles in the filter
  • Promises super-fast results
  • Helps you avoid maintenance expenses


  • A bit pricey

Check price at Amazon

Liqui Moly Diesel Particulate Filter Protector |...

Liqui Moly Diesel Particulate Filter Protector

A majority of diesel cars are equipped with a particulate filter. Unfortunately, these filters have limited service lives and their performance drops significantly over time.

One of the primary causes of this drop is the accumulation of soot. Luckily, Liqui Moly Filter Protector is designed to deal with this sort of problem. This dpf filter cleaning additive that helps to cleanse the diesel particulate filter; thus, enabling it to last longer.

According to the manufacturer, the right way to use this DPF cleaner is to add it before refueling every 2,000km. Since it comes in a 250-ml bottle, it’s enough to mix with 50 to 70 liters of diesel fuel.

The best part about this solution is that it can be used in all vehicles that have a diesel particulate filter. The only condition is that the car shouldn’t have an electronically-controlled additive tank system for filter regeneration.

The manufacturer also recommends that the DPF cleaner be used in conjunction with a diesel soot guard.


  • Compatible with a variety of car models that have DPFs
  • It’s highly efficient at reducing the accumulation of soot particles
  • Promises super-fast results
  • Helps to avoid pricey repair and servicing


  • Might have to purchase add-on accessories

Buy it at Amazon

#1 DPF foam cleaner Diesel particulate filter...

MotorPower Care DPF Diesel Particulate Filter Cleaner

Looking for a way to help your car regain power? Consider investing in a quality dpf cleaner like MotorPower Care.

A majority of the dpf cleaners you’ll find on the market will be in the form of a liquid. But MotorPower opted for a different approach with this cleaning solution.

The German-manufactured filter cleaner is formulated using non-toxic chemicals. This composition facilitates the easy removal of impurities from diesel as well as soot residues.

An advantage of using this cleaner is that you don’t have to take apart any components of the diesel particulate filter. Better yet, it’s designed to restore the complete function of the filter in the event that it stops working.

MotorPower dpf cleaner is highly-versatile as it can also be used for EGR valve cleaning. This procedure entails evaporating impurities so that there aren’t any residues left behind. To get the most of this dpf cleaner, the manufacturer recommends following the instructions given to the letter.


  • It’s residue-free
  • Does not require any dismantling of the filter
  • It’s user-friendly


  • Expensive

Get it at Amazon here

What is a Diesel Particulate Filter?

DPF, as it’s often abbreviated, is a type of filter that traps and stores exhaust soot so as to minimize emissions from diesel cars.

dpf filter
Image by Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0

Unfortunately, these filters have a limited capacity. This means that at some point, the trapped soot should either be emptied or combusted to regenerate the DPF.

We’ll define the regeneration process in a bit, but first, it’s important to know that dpf filters require regular maintenance to prevent blockage.

Ash, which is a byproduct that results from the utilization of fuel, easily accumulates in the filter.

Since this soot cannot be converted to gas, it passes through the walls of the filter pretty easily.

The outcome is that pressure in the filter increases unusually, triggering an alert that is sent to the driver. Failure to resolve this can cause issues with drive capability and significant damage to the engine or filter.

This is where the DPF filters come in handy. They undergo a regeneration process, which involves getting rid of soot and lowering filter pressure to restore normal engine performance.

There are three kinds of regeneration: active, passive and forced.

  • Passive regeneration occurs naturally as you’re driving. Essentially, the heavy load and high speed of the engine create temperatures that are high enough- up to 350 degrees Celsius- which then combust the soot as the car is being driven. In the event that the duty cycle fails to generate exhaust temperatures that are high enough, the DPF becomes filled with soot. The last resort in this case is active regeneration.
  • Active regeneration involves injecting raw fuel to the diesel oxidation catalyst (DOC) so as to achieve the high temperatures required for the regeneration process.The similarity between active and passive regeneration is the fact that neither process requires involvement from the driver. In fact, no check engine light codes show up on the dashboard.
  • The third type of regeneration is forced or manual regeneration. As you can tell from the title, this one requires a bit of work on the part of the vehicle operator.Usually, the check engine light illuminates on the dashboard to notify the driver that there’s a problem with the engine system. Once the engine indicator illuminates, the vehicle operator can initiate the regeneration process by pressing a switch mounted on the dashboard.

Regeneration is an integral part of maintaining the diesel particulate filter. But so is cleaning the filter on a regular basis.  The frequency of cleaning the filter will depend on the particular dpf cleaner that you purchase.

Here are a few things to take into account when purchasing a dpf cleaner.

Choosing The Best DPF Cleaner For Your Needs


There are dozens of companies that make dpf cleaners. Some have been in this industry for a while others were invented just recently. These are some top-rated dpf cleaner brands that Garage Chief recommends:

  • Liqui Moly

    Liqui Moly dpf cleaning fluidLiqui Moly is a German-based company that specializes in lubricants, oils, and additives. Started in 1957, the firm has developed to become a world-known provider of auto care parts.
    Liqui Moly’s first product- the liquified molybdenum disulfide (MOS2)- is what helped the brand gain fame. When mixed with motor oil, it facilitates emergency running operations in case of an unexpected loss of oil.
    Currently, the firm’s primary product is motor oil that contains the MOS2 ingredient. However, they also incorporate MOS2 in a majority of their products ranging from engine and gear oils to additives, service products and other auto-care products.

  • WYNN’S

    WYNN'S dpf additiveAnother brand you can rely for vehicle care products like dpf cleaners is Wynn’s. With a history spanning for over 80 years, it’s no secret that the company is a trusted provider of auto-care products.
    Specifically, Wynn’s makes a variety of additives tailored to solve and prevent problems that affect the engine performance. This company prides itself on providing chemical treatments that are not only effective but also affordable.


Another aspect you should account for is the price. Given that a dpf cleaner is a product that you’ll be using every few thousand kilometers, it helps to look for one that’s affordable.

When considering pricing, remember to check the capacity. A dpf cleaner that comes in a 500ml bottle might turn out to be more cost-effective than one that comes in a 250-ml bottle.


Is the DPF cleaner you’re purchasing user-friendly? The easiest way to determine if a product is user-friendly is to read reviews. If most buyers had a simple time applying the cleaning solution, then you’re guaranteed that you won’t have a difficult time either.

You can also go over the instructions that explain how to use it. A user-friendly dpf cleaner should not require dismantling of any parts.


Another crucial factor to consider is efficiency or the rate at which it operates. Go for products that can clean your filter instantly without requiring a second or third application.

This means they’ll be able to get rid of impurities in the diesel and restore engine performance without much effort. This way, you can get back on the road immediately.

Why You Should Invest in DPF Cleaning Fluid

The DPF cleaner helps you accomplish several tasks such as:

  • It minimizes the amount of soot generated after the combustion of diesel fuel. The DPF cleaner causes the residue to be burned and circulated back to the system. This enables your fuel system to operate better than before.
  • Using a DPF cleaner from time to time enables your car to use fuel more efficiently. As mentioned earlier, it’s part of maintaining your filter. So by ensuring that all the residue in the fuel is eliminated, you can be sure that you won’t have to undertake any emergency repair sessions.
  • DPF cleaners are completely safe for your vehicle. Most manufacturers use environmentally friendly ingredients so you don’t have to worry about them harming your health.

DPF Cleaner FAQs

How Often Should You Clean the DPF?

Before you start cleaning your dpf, you should determine whether it’s necessary. The primary sign that indicates this filter needs cleaning is if it becomes clogged with soot. Whenever this happens, orange light is likely to pop up on your dashboard so it will be easy to determine when your dpf requires service.

Unfortunately, there’s no straightforward answer to how often you should clean your dpf. The frequency or interval of cleanings will vary depending on factors such as engine condition, manufacturer specifications, duty cycle and the particular lube oil in your heavy-duty engine (HDE).

That said, a majority of OEMs (original equipment manufacturers) suggest cleaning the dpf every 150,000 to 200,000 miles. Extensive research has revealed that soot starts to harden in the filter cells after this mileage. So it makes sense to clean your dpf at this point before the situation gets worse.

What Causes DPF to Block Up?

There are several reasons why the diesel particulate filter clogs up easily. One culprit is if you tend to make short journeys at fairly low speeds.

diesel dpf filter mufflerThis is why you’re not likely to spot diesel cars in metropolitan areas. Sure, you may come across a couple of diesel trucks on highways and open roads- but these aren’t typically suited for crowded urban settings.

Another reason that can cause your dpf to block is if you neglect regular maintenance and service. If you don’t take care of your diesel filter, it’s going to become clogged faster than a well-maintained filter does.

As explained throughout the article, a dpf cleaner can clear a blocked up filter. Other solutions you can try include:

  • Driving faster – by increasing the speed at which you drive, you increase exhaust temperature which in turn, helps to clear soot levels
  • Increase your RPM- if the check engine light comes on, the best thing you can do is drive at a high RPM for an extensive period. Doing will cause the warning light to clear.
  • Avoid crowded cities- if you can, avoid driving through slow traffic, particularly if you’re getting close to your DPF limit or your check engine light is currently on.

Apart from the DPF clogging up, other common failures that you may encounter with the dpf are:

  • Clogged EGR valve, which increases the amount of soot channeled to the dpf
  • Using the wrong engine oil upon serving your car
  • Turbo failing to cause oil to drip into the dpf
  • A faulty fuel injector can send an excess amount of fuel to the air/fuel mixture

Is Premium Diesel Better for DPF?

Yes, it is. Premium diesel fuels are formulated with additives that help to combust harmful particles; hence, keeping the diesel clean.

What Happens if You Remove DPF Filter?

Depending on where you live, you may be fined for removing the diesel particulate filter from your car. Drivers who remove these filters allege that it’s more a cost-effective way of operating the car. Some also opt to remove these filters rather than replace with new dpf filters.

However, it’s not advisable to remove your dpf filter as this will significantly increase emissions. Also, removing this filter can escalate problems with the EGR system – a factor that can damage the engine due to excessive exhaust gas temperature.

Another obvious reason why you shouldn’t remove the dpf is that it lowers the value of your car. Car dealers are now aware of this habit so they’ll always check whether the dpf is present before accepting a trade-in. If your car doesn’t have this filter, they’ll factor the cost of a new dpf by deducting it from the trade value.

Can you Jet Wash a DPF Filter?

No, you should not power/jet wash your DPF filter. When water comes into contact with the soot/ash, it transforms it into a hard, concrete-like substance that can severely damage the filter. High-pressure water can also wreck the cells inside the diesel particulate filter.

Where to Buy the DPF Filter Cleaning Additives?

If you’re in a hunt for a new DPF cleaner, we recommend you purchase at Amazon. Here is a direct link to DPF cleaners. Also, a couple of reasons why we recommend this retailer:

  • Since its establishment in 1994, Amazon has grown to become one of the most reputable online shopping sites. You can trust Amazon to deliver what they advertise on their site.
  • You may get discounts if you shop at certain times during the year. In fact, if you sign up as a Prime member, you’ll receive benefits such as free and fast shipping for certain purchases, exclusive shopping deals and more.
  • Customer-friendly return policy – if you’re not pleased with the product you receive, you’re allowed to return it and get a full refund or replacement.
  • A resourceful Q&A section – if you’re not sure of how to use the dpf cleaner, you’re likely to find the answers you’re looking for in the Q&A.

Best DPF Cleaners – The Bottom Line

The main role of a diesel particulate filter is to minimize exhaust emissions, which would hinder proper engine performance. However, DPFs also need to be cleaned on a regular basis so that they don’t become blocked.

Besides, the DPF can become clogged due to very simple actions such as frequent short journeys, using incorrect engine oil and issues with other engine components. Diesel particulate filter cleaners were formulated to resolve blocked dpfs.

The best dpf cleaner not only reduces exhaust emissions but it also facilitates more economical fuel consumption; thus, helping you save money in the long run.

In case you’re worried about your safety when using these fuel additives, you can rest easy knowing that they’re formulated with eco-friendly ingredients. Thus, they’ll not cause any harm.

Plus, they’re easy to apply as all you need to do is mix them with diesel fuel.

Last update on 2025-02-13 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API


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